Refund policy
1. In case of refund to safemeshop wallet Your refund will be credited within 24 hours of your product being picked up.
2. Transfer to original payment method Your refund will reach your bank account within 7-9 working days.
3. If it has been longer, please reach out to us below, and we will investigate.
4. If you have self-shipped the product already please email us the screenshot of the courier receipt along with the order id number. Our customer care executive will work on your query.We will get back to you in the next 24 hours.
How will I get my refund ?
Wallet refund will get credited within 24 hours of your product being picked.
NEFT refund process takes 24 to 72 hours.
Payment Gateway refund process takes 7 to 9 working days excluding Saturdays/Sundays and Bank Holidays.
Returns Policy
Returns is a scheme provided by respective sellers directly under this policy in terms of which the option of exchange, replacement and/ or refund is offered by the respective sellers to you. All products listed under a particular category may not have the same returns policy. For all products, the policy on the product page shall prevail over the general returns policy. Do refer the respective item’s applicable return policy on the product page for any exceptions to the table below.
I am unable to see a return button on the My Orders page.
If your order has just delivered, please allow some time for the tracking to get updated. Once the tracking is updated, the return button will be visible next to the order id number.
* We accept returns within 7 to 30 days of the order. Please ensure while returning the product the packaging is intact the way it was delivered.
* We do not accept returns for boxer shorts due to hygiene concerns.
I placed a return request. When will my product be picked up?
Generally, we take 3-4 working days to pick up your order. Please ensure while returning the product the packaging is intact the way it was delivered.If it has been longer, please reach out to us with the following info:
I wish to exchange my product.
We do not have an exchange policy. Please place a return request by clicking on the return button available next to the order id number in the My Order section.
My product has not yet been picked up.
Contact our customer service executive directly, and we will resolve this. Well get back to you within 24 hours.
Please note while returning the product the packaging is intact the way it was delivered.
Can I return my boxer shorts?
We do not accept returns for boxer shorts due to hygiene concerns
How do I return my product?
You can return an order by clicking Returnon the My Orders page.
* We accept returns within 7-15 days of the order. Please ensure while returning the product the packaging is intact the way it was delivered.
* We do not accept returns for boxer shortsdue to hygiene concerns.
We will arrange a pick-up within 2-3 days of your request.
There are certain areas where we cannot provide a pick-up service. However, you can self-ship your product through any courier service, preferably Speed Post.